From: Austria
Sounds like: Metal
1. What's new with Diamond Falcon?
Weazzel: Since our last tour we've been thinking about how to set up our touring schedule more independently, so we can cut costs and deliver higher quality events for our fans. Also we want to tread new ways in regards to how we write and create music. It's exciting, because M.T.O. and Ferdl have not really been involved in songwriting so far, but they've got some ideas that we discussed and so we want to adjust the songwriting process to incorporate those ideas. It'll be interesting to see how that new spark will interact with Savage and myself, Savage being our main songwriter and me being in charge of lyrics and vocal melodies and writing the occasional banger. I'm really looking forward to those experiments.
2. What can you tell us about new music?
Savage: There are a lot of ideas that need to be tuned out properly. At the moment I'm busy organizing our next tours though, so the songwriting process is a bit on the back end. I'm hoping that we can drop some new songs during fall this year, though – hope dies last.
3. What have been some highlights within the past year for the band?
Weazzel: Well, obviously our release of "Gates of Hell" and our first vinyl release which is a split LP including a best of of our two most recent releases and download codes for the full albums. 100% fan service right there. Also we're working on our live shows and setups all the time, looking for possibilities to improve our shows. When in 2023 we would rock out and crack open a beer onstage, we can now rock out and crack open a beer on stage while having crazy lights and fog jets all over the place. Glorious.
4. Any music videos in the works?
Weazzel: Yeah, we're actually planning two videos. We've been filming lots of our live shows and would love to make all those snippets into a live video with live sound. Another idea is a “proper” music video, but we'll keep the details secret for now.
5. What are some pre-show rituals you may have?
Weazzel: Obviously boozing.
Savage: Which is our post-show ritual as well, I might add.
6. What's your favorite show you've ever played and why?
Weazzel: That will forever be a small show in Serbia we played back in 2015. That tour we played in a funky lineup with Savage on the drums and two substitute guitarists. The whole tour was DIY as hell and we were just dishing out some serious zero-fucks-given heavy metal. The people really liked that and the energy in this small pub was intense, it was crazy.
7. What's something you wish you could change about your local music scene?
Weazzel: The local scene, bands and musicians are alright, all is good as far as I can see. The local music scene is of course highly influenced by worldwide standards and conventions and that's a whole different matter.
8. What are you currently listening to?
Weazzel: Lots of Police and Camel, sprinkled with some Smith/Kotzen and Mike Oldfield.
Savage: I've found myself in a rabbit hole of old school Finnish Rock and Metal recently. Totally addicted to Peer Günt.
9. What do you wish to accomplish in the next year?
Weazzel: Drinking approximately 750 beers and giving less of a shit about how fucked the world is. Also personally, everything is set for a new WEAZZEL release, packed with songs about how fucked humanity and the world is.
Savage: Play shows, write new music, and hopefully drop a new record – we'll see about that.