After The Apocalypse

After The Apocalypse (Metal) - Ohio

After The Apocalypse was formed in the summer of 2020. Forged from the shambles of a decaying Cleveland metal scene in the height of the ongoing pandemic. Marco Quiroz and Tyler Lamerson were former members of bands (King, 3SO, One Click Crazy, Space Monkey) and had decided to make music individually when there was no live music due to the Covid 19 lock down. Eddie Hursky, a long time fan and friend had come in to do vocals and then the trio had decided to contact long time friend and drummer Eric Matthews (Red Giant, Order 66, Pro-pain). After 2 years of rehearsals and demos, the four of them were ready to take things to the stage, exploding onto the scene with their eclectic mixture of styles ranging from thrash to hardcore to nu-metal. A friend of the band had said back in 2020 “Why are you forming a band now? You won’t be able to play till after the apocalypse”. He was right and that’s when they emerged. The four horsemen looking to open the final seal on the Cleveland music scene.

-Interview- (2/13/25)
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? How did the name "After The Apocalypse" come about and is there any meaning to it?

Our 4 members had been either colleagues or rivals with each other (sometimes both) since we met each other in the Cleveland music scene before Covid, except in the case of our vocalist Eddie Hursky. He had been baby sat as a kid by our bass player Tyler Lamerson and was a fan of 3SO, a local rock band that Guitar player Marco Quiroz was in with Tyler. Eric Matthews(drums) would come on to round out the group a few months later and had worked with Marco Previously. The Four of us have a lot of different tastes musically and we work together to intermix and explore music that we can have fun with and that we believe in. We usually try to find a solid Groove pocket that works around all our strengths. We generally write for ourselves, kinda from a listener's point and we aren't afraid to explore different avenues within reason. If you dig it cool, but we ain't trying to be cookie cutter, hip, or do what's popular.

After The Apocalypse became our name when a friend of ours came to the practice spot during the Covid 19 lockdown (which had killed the music scene in Cleveland) and had said "Why are you forming a band now. You guys won't be able to play until After The Apocalypse." Name stuck from that point forward.

2. What do you want people to take away from your music?

Just have fun and groove with it at the bare minimum. We aren't super deep all the time. Some of our songs have a bit more emotion or meaning to them and if you latch on , that's great but generally we hope you feel good, hyper, and charged up. It's all about a good time.

3. How would you describe your sound to the average listener?

Nu-metal sounds mixed with the old school Anthrax smart ass vibe with genre bending twists and turns.

4. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?

Parkway Drive, Slipknot, and Suicide Silence

5. What's your thoughts on AI generated music?

We aren't fans. Depending on machines to make music and tell us what human emotion is seems cold, sterile, and more cookie cutter than trying to be cookie cutter, not to mention Lazy. Human emotion and live performance is still so much more gratifying and unifying than what a machine can do.

6. What’s your take on the current state of Metal?

It seems like it's on a fairly steady forefront with multiple different genres and hybrids. It's almost getting a bit over-saturated to a point but that's what makes the really good ones stand out based on what you're looking for cuz it speaks to you as a consumer and what you gravitate to.

7. What’s the current music scene like there in Ohio?

After covid came and left, it was in shambles, but since then it's become better than ever with multiple people in multiple genres working together and sharing info and pushing each other up to not only perform better, but to rethink and redefine themselves from the music aspect. Causing us to try different things, to put on multi genre shows. Why have one flavor when we can have neapolitan ice cream?

8. What’s your take on the royalties that streaming services pay out to artists?

It's never really enough is it? Sign of the times, but we do it for the love of music and not cuz we thought we were gonna be millionaires.

9. What’s next for After The Apocalypse?

We have started working on material for an EP release. Aiming for a summer release. About 5-6 songs total. Have a couple of working titles and concepts rolling around, but nothing set in stone. For this one, we decided to get back to basics and roots and get in touch with styles that got us into music and hit us a certain way.

10. Any shoutouts?

We'd like to shout out to Chris "Blasphemy" Davey, James "The Dook" Fedor, Jessica Mowrer and Stargazer Photography, Jez Shuvani and Lisa Buie at Wild Scarlet Calling Productions, our moms, your moms. :)