Incomplete are a hard rock punk band from Perth WA. They have a wide and varied range of influences, some listed below, which have helped shape what they play, how they play, and what the songs are about. All members have been playing in Hard Rock, Punk, and Metal bands for years which has devolved into this thing they call “Incomplete”. Incomplete’s music is inspired by the world around them – be that social commentary, personal experiences or satire. As a group of mature musicians, the content of Incomplete’s music will may you laugh, make you think and give you an understanding into who they are and what makes them tick. As people, they are always learning, always striving to meet the next challenge. Incomplete continues to grow through keeping their eyes wide and hearts open to others. That’s why they are “incomplete” – they’ll never be complete, or finished, or full as long as they continue to learn, teach, understand and grow. And make loud punk music along the way!